Weight Loss Retreats And Health Retreats

What retreat is right for me?

The word retreat means ‘draw back’ escape from the stresses and strains of daily living for a period of time. There are many different types of fitness retreats, fat camps, weight loss retreats and health retreats.  Not every program is the right fit for everyone. How do you choose the retreat that actually suits you?

  • Yoga retreats usually offer vegetarian meals and a spiritual journey the focus is not on weight loss.
  • Relaxing pampering retreats include exercise and healthy eating and are great if you want more pampering.
  • Fitness and weight loss retreats generally focus on a one size fits all diet and bootcamp type program.

Chi of Life difference? We are a clever combination of all three.

We provide a live-in residential holistic program that is completely customised to YOUR needs. You don’t just slot in and follow the exact same programme as a large group of people. You embark on a health and wellness programme which is specifically designed to address your goals, habits, behaviours, nutritional needs, food preferences and tolerance, fitness levels and preferred exercises and activities.

From the moment you arrive every aspect of your stay and the programme is catered to your needs. While you participate in the Chi of Life programme, we will book your accommodation at one of our fabulous waterfront properties on the Sunshine Coast Qld.  You will explore the beautiful surrounds of the Coast from Noosa, Mooloolaba and the Glasshouse Mountains an exciting adventure awaits you.  Chi of Life is different to other retreats as you do not stay on the grounds your activities and therapies are offsite. Giving you access to what I consider to be Australia’s leading holistic natural medicine practitioners. While you participate in the Chi of Life programme you will enjoy the full amenities of the residential house includes, infrared sauna, pool and in-house gym.

This is a private intimate group and we limit the attendees to only 8 people, you’ll receive my full attention and support for the duration of your stay. You won’t feel intimidated and I offer you a nurturing environment with personal focus on your needs. Weight loss retreats and health retreats do not offer you this. Our program is perfect for anyone with health or physical restrictions as I can tailor a program especially for you. 

Weight Loss Retreats And Health Retreats

Personalised Program

Your first step before booking: Gwen will speak to you to understand your journey and what you want to achieve. You will then receive a guest application so I can get a clear picture of your health, dietary requirements, fitness levels, family history, medical condition, mindset, habits, lifestyle and goals. With this insight, I can develop a customised programme for your stay that will ensure you can embark on the right journey for your needs.

Once here, you’ll have an assessment and wellness consultation including live and dry blood analysis, based on the results your exercise program will be customised to you. Depending on your results a Heart Rate Zone and calorie targets will be set for you to achieve maximum weight loss. Your workout intensity and type of activity will be to your personal capacity and this will vary between guests.

Variety of fun exercise activities:  hiking Noosa National Park and Glass House Mountains, climb Mt Coolum, water aerobics, swimming, boxing, bike riding, stand up paddling, tennis, weight training, beach walks, yoga and pilates to name a few.

Weight Loss Retreats And Health Retreats

Chi of Life is an educational wellness program

I don’t want to give you a program that just focuses on diet and exercise as this will not give all the “life changing knowledge” for long term success.  I share my 25 years of experience in the weight loss and wellness industry with you and I back it up with well researched information and personal experiences. Chi of Life is a journey of knowledge, you will leave equipped with all the tools and knowledge you need to keep the weight off and live your best life.

We work with you to find the reasons why the weight gain occurs as it is usually a symptom of underlying issues. We work at a cellular level to identity the potential causes of slow metabolism and weight gain.  Through rectifying deficiencies in the body and rebalancing a person’s ‘chi’ (or life-energy) through hormonal, lymphatic, metabolic systems and gut health, weight loss will follow without going on crash diets. When you feel alive with energy and vitality, this positive feeling will be your motivator to live a life in good health and make better choices.

With our strong focus on mindset, we’ll be able to discern the causes of binge-eating and comfort-eating to give you the tools to take control of it for lifelong weight loss results.

Weight Loss Retreats And Health Retreats


People come to Chi of Life for many different reasons here are some guests that have attended:

  • Katrina 86 y.o. weight loss and stay strong and healthy
  • Joyce (diabetic) 82y.o. weight loss
  • Theresa 55 y.o. weight loss and digestive issues
  • Veronique 28y.o. improve fitness learn more about food
  • Julie 52 y.o. burnt out and lost direction in life
  • Paul 32y.o. obese 190 kilos
  • Tanetia 47y.o. obese 174 kilos and lack mobility due to knee injuries
  • Kelly 19y.o. weight loss and increase fitness for triathlon
  • Bob 70y.o. increase fitness and muscle mass

Call us to have a chat about how we can help you get started.