This isCassandra’s story

I was severely anxious and depressed before Chi of Life, zero energy and total despair at how medication, therapy, etc. etc… only seemed to get me so far and I have done so many diets I initially lose weight but then sabotage myself and put all the weight back on. This wonderful place was the missing link after two weeks my mind is clearer my mood consistently good, my hair and skin healthier and oh yeah, I lost a heap of weight! The NLP sessions with Rebecca has given me skills to help change my mindset. Best of all, I have the tools and info I need to keep it going. Thanks so very much to Gwen and the team, you’ve changed my life. Love Cas
Cassies mum
I sent you my beautiful talented but broken daughter… sent me back a confident wellness warrior who embraces life again….Thank you ….there are no words for what you have done for Cassandra. To other mothers afraid to take a step like this to help your child….don’t be…these people are fighting the good fight and i would put my trust and faith in them again if i ever had to. Keep fighting the fight…. Tracey